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What is the personal guide ideology and is it specific to any one religion?

>>> The Personal God text is more about achieving your goals and being the best possible person you can be in light of your own religious beliefs and who you are as a person. It does not have any religious affiliation and really does not preach any religious Dogma whatsoever.

Is this some religious dogma and will you be preaching one idea or methodology over what I believe?

>>> There is no preaching, no evangelic speeches, no persuading you over one religious idea or methodology or the other. You already have your religion and it is not our place to get Kate what you should believe. We offer a personal and social logical study of who you are and how you fit in with Society which will ultimately allow you to become closer to your God and your religion.

Can anyone from any religion benefit by reading the personal God text?

>>> This is absolutely the case. No matter what you believe in you can benefit from my text because what we espouse are personal and social values that transcend religion and our shared and every religious text that we have ever read. There is no way you cannot benefit from our teachings.

Is this a religion unto itself? Will you be trying to convert me to your ideas and religious Dogma?

>>> Again this is not a religion but a study of how you live your life such that you can be a more productive and well-adjusted member of your community and be more in tune with the religion that you believe in.

Are you trying to test my faith? Are you trying to make me read something that will make me not believe in my religion or convert me?

>>> No conversions here, just simple life blessings that will help you become a more well-rounded and evolved person.

What is the purpose of this text and why have you created it? Is my religion not enough for me? Why do I need something else?

>>> Most people really do not espouse or truly follow all of the edicts and scriptures of the religions they believe in anyway. It is our goal to allow you to become a more evolved person and allow you to ask the questions about yourself your community your surroundings any overall Cosmos that you find yourself in such that you can make your own judgments about how to best serve your God and be the best person and most evolved entity within your religion itself.

All I need is my own scripture. Why would I need something else?

>>> This is not scripture but a text going over a cleaner way of living that will allow you to become closer to your God and even closer to your religion. It encourages independent thinking while simultaneously bringing you even closer to what you believe in the first place.

What is the Personal God text and how can I benefit from it?

>>> The purpose of this text is to give you a framework to be a better person in the grand scheme of your life, and among those around you, your surroundings and the overall cosmos. It allows you to take a look at who you are and determine if what you have become is the most evolved and sentient being you can possibly be. From there you can make a determination as to how you wish to proceed and what contributions you want to make to society and to the cosmos.

What will I learn by reading your text as opposed to just living my life without it?

>>> There is no doubt that you can live your life without this book. However in your existence you need to Enlighten yourself to all possibilities. If you are not exploring all options and all viewpoints then you are not truly understanding who you are and what your religion means to you. If you're not asking the right questions there will be self-doubt and doubt in what you believe in. Never let this happen and to help you along that way you need to be well-rounded and get the perspective from a text that allows you to see a greater passion, strength, integrity and purpose in what you believe in.

Shape A Better Reality For Yourself

The message of personal God is more about self-improvement and social and personal enlightenment. It is more important for you to evolve as a human being so that you can be closer to God then it is to understand whatever other things you think are important in your life. Seeking to improve yourself in all aspects of your existence will have the net effect of making you more receptive and understanding of exactly what your religion means to you..

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what we do

A New Concept

I am not suggesting that personal God be your one-and-only guidebook and manual for how you should proceed going forward. What I am saying is that personal God will help you understand who you are so that you can develop a more personalized and functional relationship with your religion and God. 

Personal Structure

What if your religion we're structured around you rather than you having to be conforming to it? You could control how you received the message and the word of God and your spirituality and you can make sense of it in a way that was easy to understand and more in line with how you think.

Individual Care

Personal God will allow you to more intimately understand who you are and become a better person and the result of that will be that you will have a much better relationship with your God and your religion. 

Hours Of Work
Years of Learning
Years of Learning


The Personal God guide was a refreshing take on religion and God and allowed me to see where I was failing in life and make much needed changes!
William Gomez Sales Manager
I have grown so much as a person and I have also formed a much deeper relationship with God after reading and understanding the Personal God guide.
Jared Martinez Private Maintenance
Words cannot express how much this guide means to me. I never realized how much my life was off track and how little I was evolving or improving as a person.
John Roca Engineering Student