Mastering your destiny...

Do you have a personal relationship with God? I'm not just talking about the Christian God but whatever deity you believe in. You have to understand that until you have a personal relationship with your God you will never truly be at one with yourself and you will never truly be close to God. How many years have you struggled with yourself trying to be disciplined enough to be faithful to your religion while you still practice all of the sins and habits that lead you away from it?.

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A New Way Of Thinking.

They say that the flesh is weak as an excuse for why you're not closer to your religion and closer to God. In reality it's not the flesh that is weak but it is the mind and the thoughts that you have allowed yourself to think throughout your life that cause you to do things that lead you farther away from God. If you change the way you think then you will ultimately change the way that you practice your religion and the way that you experience the joy of life.
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A Fresh Perspective

You have to understand that there are going to be very important relationships in your life and throughout your existence. It can be easily said and postulated that there is no more important relationship than the one you have with God. If this relationship is not in order then nothing you do will ever be a true success and no other relationship that you ever have will be truly satisfying. Being at one with God and at one with your deity and your soul allows you to be a more cohesive human being and a better person in general. Personal God is a framework and a guidebook that will help you become a better person and a more evolved human being such that it will be easier for you to be in step with your religion and your God. I cannot stress it more strongly enough that if you do not have your Affairs in order then whatever relationship that you have with God will suffer as a result.

A Brand New Way Of Looking At Life

New Concepts

Phasellus imperdiet lacinia nulla, malesuada semper nibh sodales quis, Duis viverra ipsum dictum.

An Intelligent Perspective

Phasellus imperdiet lacinia nulla, malesuada semper nibh sodales quis, Duis viverra ipsum dictum.

Understand your Destiny

Phasellus imperdiet lacinia nulla, malesuada semper nibh sodales quis, Duis viverra ipsum dictum.

We Help You Achieve Personal Mastery

I will use an analogy of cell phones. Most people when they have poor reception on their cell phone blame the carrier. They think that whatever cellular service provider that they have selected is providing poor service less the reason why they're called sound so badly. In many cases however what I have found is that you can have two different phones with shockingly different reception and call Quality and the carrier has nothing to do with it. Ultimately it's the quality of the phone. What does this have to do with God? You should never think that your relationship with God has anything to do with anything other than yourself. How well you think and how well you live your life will determine just what kind of relationship you will have with your religion and with your deity. If you are better and more evolved human being you are much more likely to have a better relationship with your God then you would if you gave in to all of your base Pleasures, desires and whims. Just like the example of a two cell phones it's the better equipment that receives the cellular signal more strongly. And in the case of yourself if you had become a better person then it is much more likely that you will be able to receive and understand the word of God in a more cohesive and constructive manner.

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The Personal God guide was a refreshing take on religion and God and allowed me to see where I was failing in life and make much needed changes!
William Gomez Sales Manager
I have grown so much as a person and I have also formed a much deeper relationship with God after reading and understanding the Personal God guide.
Jared Martinez Private Maintenance
Words cannot express how much this guide means to me. I never realized how much my life was off track and how little I was evolving or improving as a person.
John Roca Engineering Student